Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hockey Shot Challenges!

Summer is a great time to work on your shot off the ice.  Its warm and sunny, and kids have plenty of free time to get out in their driveway or back yard and hone the shots they will be using over the winter.

Over the last several years, I've heard of youth hockey organizations, teams, hockey companies/ websites and other entities sponsor "Shot Challenges"... taking the idea of small steps leading into big leaps.  

Here are some groups that sponsor great ones with prizes available?

Hockey Share 10,000 Puck Challenge
SUMMER CONTEST - every summer we offer a contest for participants from across the world to compete against each other for some great prize packages provided by

West Fargo Challenge

Chelios Hockey

Champions Edge
The premise is simple: try and take 10,000 shots between June 2nd 2014 - August 10th 2014


Shot Challenge are an easy, fun and nearly free way to develop your skills off the ice.  These challenges teach players about setting same quantifiable goals in order to reach larger ones.  Discipline, commitment and dedication are paramount...